
How to create a symbol with pattern - Place arc -

1. Open "Tool" menu and select "Arc".

2. Decide the center and radius of the arc.

(1)Click at the center
(2)Move the cursor horizontally.
(3)Click agein.

To change the fixed center or radius, you can return to previous step by pressing ESC key.

4. Decide the begin point and end point

The temporary arc is displayed with red line.
It rotates according to a motion of cursor.

(1)Click to fix starting point

It is better to move cursor in the place distant from the center of the arc as much as possible, when deciding the starting point or end point.

(2)Click to fix end point

After the terminal point has been decided, a display will change, as shown in the following.

Being displayed in red means that it is in a selection state.
In selection state, you can do the following operations.

Selection state is ended by pressing ESC key or Clicking at work area when cursor doesn't have "MOVE" mark.

Next(Place Circle)