BSch3V manual

Data migration from BSch to BSch3V

This chapter explains how to migrate your data created with BSch Version 0.9x into BSch3V.


This is the procedure to migrate data.

  1. Setup the library of BSch3V so that the library files necessary for .CE2 file are available.
  2. Using CE2TO3, change a .CE2 file into a .CE3 file which contains no library information.
  3. Using BSch3V, load the .CE3 file which contains no library information.
  4. On BSch3V, check that the schematic is recreated properly.
  5. Save with BSch3V and the migration is completed.
limits and matters that requires attention
(1)vertical label
The label has a unvisible anchor which names signal name of wire. In old BSch, a vertical label's anchor is at position of top right . But in BSch3V, a vertical label's anchor is at position of bottom right .
CE2TO3 keeps the anchor position, So the position of the appearance of a vertical label changes.

(2)character code
CE2TO3 doesn't change the character code.
When you open the migrated .CE3 file on BSch3V and Qt-BSch of Windows version, there won't be a problem. But when you open it on Qt-BSch of Mac version or Linux version, there may be a problem in Shift-JIS linefeed character or characters which are written in comments in Shift-JIS. Please change the character code to modify. A .CE3 file is a text file and you can use a general-purpose character code converter.

Procedure in detail
  Let's migrate the circuit below.

A file to migrate is loaded on BSch Version 0.92e

schematic file SensorIF.CE2
library files DISCRETE..LB3

1. Setup the library on BSch3V

BSch3V can't handle the libraries in old style. If the file uses a library in old style, like this example, change it to .LB3 in advance.
You can do this operation with old LCo Version 0.23e which is a library editor for BSch.
Load ORIGINALLIB on old LCo Version 0.23e and just save it, and it becomes ORIGINAL.LB3.

The library file used on old BSch has only bit patterns for the component patterns though the library format is changed to .LB3. I recommend you to replace it to the library which has contents compatibility and which has vector pattern. Here we will use DISCRETE.LB3, CONSW.LB3, ANALOG.LB3, DIGITAL..LB3 in new style which can handle vector data.

Setup library on BSch3V

2. Convert the circuit file with CE2TO3

  Let's start CE2TO3 and select the file to convert.

Converter CE2TO3

  Clicking the reference button of CE2TO3 shows a dialog to open files. We will select the file on it. We can also drag and drop the file from Windows Explorer into the file listbox of the CE3TO3 to open it. As BSch's comments, we used to use the small font (8*8) or a single kind of Windows font. CE2TO3 replace these fonts to the fonts shown in the dialog.

  We have selected the file, we have set up the font, and now let's click the button and convert the file.

message of CE2TO3

  Everytime, CE2TO3 gives us the message above.
  A .CE3 file which was converted by CE2TO3 does NOT contain the library information yet.

3. Load the converted circuit file on BSch3V

If we have done the setup library of BSch3V at the (1) above, we can load the converted file (ABC.CE3 here) on BSch3V.

The converted file is loaded on BSch3V

  Let's check that the circuit is recreated properly, save it (select menu [file]->[save]). After we save it with BSch3V, it becomes the circuit file accompanied with library information.