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Changing the tool with one key.

Version 0.51.07 or lator

By modifying user.config, you can change the tool with one key action.
(For example, pressing L-key makes changing tool to "Line".)

After exiting Minimal Board Editor, open user.config with a text editor. you can find lines as following.
<setting name="OneKeyToolSelection" serializeAs="String">
By the default, a value written between<value> and </value> is 0.
If you change this value into 1, OneKeyToolSelection will be enabled.

Tool vs Key
Tool key
Selector S
Connection check K
Measure M
Hole H
Pad/Flash D
Line L
Arc A
Text T
Polygon G
Component N

About the place of user.config: Where is a setting information of Minimal Board Editor?